AVD Custom Image Build Fail Scenarios
1. In the Customer environment, we take an Windows 10/11 Image from the Marketplace, install the Line of Business applications, security software and perform a Sysprep. Then we Capture the image and add it as an Managed Image or into the Azure Compute Gallery. During the Custom Image Build process, when you add this image as Source it may fail giving the following error related to Windows update:Solution is before the sysprep you update the Image as shown below:
Solution is during the Image VM build process, select Security Type as Standard as shown below:
2. As of now, Trusted Launch is not supported by Custom Image Template Deployment. If during the Image VM Build process you had selected the security type as Trusted Launch and added this Image as a Source Image you would get the below error:
Solution is during the Image VM build process, select Security Type as Standard as shown below:
3. If possible, give access to the Managed Identity used for the Custom Image template on the Subscription level. If not it should at least have access to the resource groups that houses the Azure Compute Gallery /Managed Image or else the template status will show as Failed.
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