Azure Security Baselines for Azure Virtual Desktop-Asset Management


1. Asset Management 

1.  AM-2: Use only approved services

Features: Azure Policy Support and Alert Rules

Create Azure Policy:

We need to make use of Microsoft Defender for Cloud service to enable the Azure Policy

1. Search Defender for Cloud in the Global search


2. Click on Management-Environment Settings-Tenant Root Group-Subscription


3. Go to Settings-Security Policies-Click on 3 dots-View in Azure Policy
4. You have the option to click on 'Assign,' which will select all the policies listed. However, some of these policies are not required from an AVD perspective. Therefore, I recommend going through each policy individually to assign them. Based on my experience, I have identified around 26 policies that are essential for AVD. Feel free to add more if necessary.

5. For example, you can click on the policy, such as 'Secure transfer to storage accounts should be enabled,' and then click on Assign.

6. For the scope, click on the three dots and select the required subscription. I would recommend selecting the scope at the subscription level, but if the customer has a specific requirement, feel free to change the scope to the resource group level.

7. If there are any resources that need to be excluded from this policy, mention them under 'Exclusions.' I have none.

8. The assignment name will appear automatically.

9. A brief description can be added if needed to provide more context or clarify the purpose of the assignment.

10. Policy enforcement is Enabled.

11. In the 'Assigned by' field, you can enter the name of the admin or the admin group, depending on the requirement.

12. Click Next.

13. I haven't made any changes in the 'Advanced' tab and have kept the default settings. Click Next.
14. In the 'Parameters' tab, uncheck the box. In the 'Effect' dropdown, you will find three options: Audit, Deny, and Disabled. I have selected 'Deny' because I want to ensure that whenever someone tries to create a storage account and this policy is not met, they should not be able to create the resource and will receive a 'Validation Failed' error.

15. Click Next. 
16. I haven't made any changes in the 'Remediation' tab and have kept the default settings. Click Next.
17. Give a suitable message for the end users to understand why they are unable to create the resource.

18. Click Next.
19. Click Create.
20. Policy is created successfully.

21. This is how the policy with the 'Deny' effect works:
22.  Please find the below list of policies that have been applied:

23. Wherever there is a 'Deny' option under Effect, select it, followed by Audit and AuditIfNotExists

Create Alert Rules:

1. Search for Alerts in the Global search. Click on Create-Alert Rule

2. I have selected Subscription as the Scope.
3. Click Next: Condition
4. Click on See all signals.

5. Under the Signal Source filter, select Policy.

6.  Select 'deny' Policy action. (Policy evaluation).

7. Click on Apply.
8. Click Next: Actions

9. Click on +Create action group.
10. Select the appropriate Subscription and the Resource Group.

11. For Region select Global.

12. Give a suitable action group name and display name.

13. Click Next: Notifications
14. In the Notification type, select Email/SMS message/Push Voice.

15. Give a suitable name.

16. Click Next: Actions
17. Keep the Defaults as is. Click Next: Tags
18. Click Create.

19. Click Next: Details

20. Give a suitable Alert Rule name.

21. Click Next: Tags
22. Click Create.
23. Rule is created successfully.

24. Similarly, create two more alert rules for Audit and AuditIfNotExists. All other options remain the same; only the Signal Name changes.
25. In the global search, type 'Alerts' and click on it. You will see a list of triggered alerts. Depending on the alert, you can take action (New, Acknowledged, Closed) against each alert as an admin and then click on the three vertical dots.
26. Click on Change user response. Select the appropriate action and click on Save.

2.  AM-5: Use only approved applications in virtual machine

Features: Microsoft Defender for Cloud - Adaptive Application Controls

As per Microsoft documentation it says Adaptive Application Control from Microsoft Defender for Cloud isn’t supported for AVD, but you can still choose how to give remote users access. You can either provide them with a full virtual desktop or just specific applications. If you choose specific apps, called RemoteApps, users can access only those apps, giving them a smooth experience while keeping the rest of the virtual machine hidden. This reduces security risks by limiting what users can interact with.

Publish Remote Apps:

In this blog, we will use an example to demonstrate how to publish MS Teams as a Remote App.

Note- You need to have a host pool already configured

1. Select the appropriate Subscription, Resource Group and the Host pool

2. For Application group type, Remote App is selected as default.

3. Give a suitable name for Application group name.

4. Click Next.
5. Click on Add applications.
6. For Application source select File path.

7.  For Application path give shell:appsFolder\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MSTeams

8. For Application identifier give a number.

9. Give a Display name

10. For require command line select No.

11. Click Next.

12. Give the icon path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MSTeams_24295.605.3225.8804_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\ms-teams.exe

13. Icon Index as 0.

14. Click Next.

15. Click Add.
16. Click Next: Assignments.

17. Add appropriate users or groups.

18. Click Next: Workspace.
19. Select Yes for Register application group.

20. Click Next: Advanced.

21. Click Next: Tags

22. Click Create.

23. MS Teams is published successfully.
24. Teams is launched successfully.

1 comment:

  1. Sujith, this is really impressive. The steps are very concise and to the point. Please make more such blogs.
